Star wars - Episode I Collection 1999-2000 MOC vintage 1

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500sinds 29 sep. '19, 18:30
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CAN - Canadian card.
NE - Northern Europe (UK, F, B/NL, D)
SE - Southern Europe (E, IT, F, D)

Ki-Adi-Mundi with Lightsaber US 12€
Boss Nass with Gungan Staff US SOLD
Boss Nass with Gungan Staff US 15€
Boss Nass with Gungan Staff CAN 15€
Chancellor Valorum with Ceremonial Staff US SOLD
Chancellor Valorum with Ceremonial Staff US SOLD
Mace Windu with Lightsaber and Jedi Cloak US SOLD
Gasgano with Pit Droid US SOLD
Darth Maul (Tatooine) with Cloak and Lightsaber US SOLD
Darth Maul (Tatooine) with Cloak and Lightsaber US SOLD
Darth Maul (Tatooine) with Cloak and Lightsaber NE 15€
Darth Maul (Tatooine) with Cloak and Lightsaber NE 15€
Darth Maul (Tatooine) with Cloak and Lightsaber SE 15€
Darth Maul (Tatooine) with Bonus Battle Droid US SOLD

All figures are MINT ON CARD unless otherwise described
Zoekertjesnummer: m1463049045
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