MiniWhip Active Antenna HF LF VLF shortwave SDR Ukraine

€ 40,00
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Verzenden vanaf € 3,99
1992sinds 25 dec. '23, 18:16
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I bought this antenna on eBay from a seller from Ukraine.
Since I have a second one just like it, I decided to sell this one.
Works great and has barely been used.
I am including my personal 12 volt power adapter in the kit.

Technical Specifications:
Frequency range: 10 kHz - 30 MHz Power: 12 - 15 volts at 150 mA
Second order output intercept point: > + 70 dBm
Third order output intercept point: > + 30 dBm
Maximum output power: in excess of - 15 dBm
Connector: BNC
Feed line: 50 - 100 ohm coaxial cable up to 100 meter long

To note please:
Each antenna performs as good as its installation permits it to. Any active antenna is not working good inside the house! It should be mounted OUTSIDE and as high as possible. Place this MiniWhip antenna PCB inside suitable enclosure of your choice and mount outside the house. Probably for the enclosure you can use a piece of the PVC tube which available in various diameters in a local store. Do not use metal enclosure! It will not work inside!For max. sensitivity:
- this antenna should be positioned as high and free from metal conductors as possible.
- the ground plane of the PCB must NOT be lower than the top of the mast.
(the connection to and the antenna surface itself must be ABOVE the top of the mast).

For best signal-to-noise ratio:
- install the Miniwhip onto a well grounded mast.
- connect "GND" of the Miniwhip PCB to that mast.
- Use high permeability ferrite cores (Ui between 5000 and 10.000) on the beginning and end of all cables to block cable noise currents.
Zoekertjesnummer: m2061764584
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