Mentale training in de sport - Rico Schuijers - 978903522696€ 32,00
Understanding Drugs and Behaviour - Andrew Parrott - 9780471
€ 34,00
90sinds 21 mei. '24, 07:01
Understanding Drugs and Behaviour - Andrew Parrott - John Wiley And Sons - 9780471986409 - 2dehands - Als Nieuw - Paperback - Offers an introduction to the action that various drugs have on the brain and behaviour. This book covers drugs such as alcohol, nicotine, cannabis, LSD and Ecstacy, opiates, CNS stimulants, as well as clinical medications. Why are some drugs highly addictive? What exactly are the effects of different types of psychoactive drugs? How can they produce such dramatic effects on mood, cognition, sensation, awareness, health and well-being?
Understanding Drugs and Behaviour describes in detail how the main psychoactive drugs can alter brain chemistry and modify behaviour. Written by experienced lecturers with a high level of research expertise, all the main drugs used in today's society are included, such as alcohol, nicotine, cannabis, LSD and Ecstacy, opiates, CNS stimulants, as well as clinical medications. Teaching and learning features include: In-depth core material
End-of-chapter questions
Key references
Extensive glossary
Journals and websites of interest
This introductory text will be of use to students of psychology, behavioural sciences, health sciences, nursing, physiology and pharmacology.
Zoekertjesnummer: a139146193
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