Cd's klassieke momenten ( 3 stuks ) met boekje € 4,00
Boek : exotische pet handbook
€ 3,00
Ophalen of Verzenden
240sinds 5 jun. '24, 14:34
ConditieZo goed als nieuw
DiersoortReptielen of Amfibieën
Engels boek
Collins Exotic Pet Handbook is a comprehensive guide offering practical guidance and expert advice to those wanting to own a more unusual household pet.
• Provides valuable advice on keeping the most popular species of amphibian, reptile and invertebrate
All the featured animals are available from captive-bred stock
• Practical advice on housing, dietary needs, handling and breeding
• Full of amazing facts and useful hints and tips
• Contains over 120 colour photographs
Voor mezelf doos 206
Collins Exotic Pet Handbook is a comprehensive guide offering practical guidance and expert advice to those wanting to own a more unusual household pet.
• Provides valuable advice on keeping the most popular species of amphibian, reptile and invertebrate
All the featured animals are available from captive-bred stock
• Practical advice on housing, dietary needs, handling and breeding
• Full of amazing facts and useful hints and tips
• Contains over 120 colour photographs
Voor mezelf doos 206
Zoekertjesnummer: m2123087343
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