Mentale training in de sport - Rico Schuijers - 978903522696€ 32,00
Confidence - Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic - 9781594631269 - Hardc
€ 28,00
00sinds 6 jun. '23, 07:00
Confidence - Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic - Hudson Street Press - 9781594631269 - 2de Hands - Zeer Goede Staat - Hardcover - Confidence - Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic. If you picked up this book because you want to increase your confidence, you are not alone. Like most people, you probably think that being highly confident would make you more likable, more employable, and more successful. But youd be wrong. In this paradigm-shifting book, world-renowned personality expert Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic reveals that, beyond making you feel good, high confidence has no genuine benefits, and it may even be self-destructive. Low confidence, however, helps us make realistic risk assessments, protects us from disastrous situations, and encourages us to become more competentwhich is the real key to achievement. Intelligent and thought-provoking, Confidence shows you how to make your insecurities work for you in every facet of life.
Zoekertjesnummer: a125807339
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