Alive at Work: The Neuroscience of Helping Your People Love

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00sinds 26 nov. '24, 09:33
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AuteurDaniel M. Cable
Productnummer (ISBN)9781633694255
Jaar (oorspr.)2018


BoekenBalie maakt van tweedehands jouw eerste keuze. Met een Trustscore van 4,8 (excellent) en 30 dagen retour garantie maken we dat iedere dag waar.

Titel: Alive at Work: The Neuroscience of Helping Your People Love What They Do
Auteur: Daniel M. Cable
ISBN: 9781633694255
Conditie: Beetje gebruikt

Poll after poll has confirmed that an astonishing number of workers are disengaged from their work. Why is this happening? And how can we fix the problem?

Poll after poll has confirmed that an astonishing number of workers are disengaged from their work. Why is this happening? And how can we fix the problem? In this bold, enlightening book, social psychologist and professor Daniel M. Cable takes leaders into the minds of workers and reveals the surprising secret to restoring their zest for work. Disengagement isn't a motivational problem, it's a biological one. Humans aren't built for routine and repetition. We're designed to crave exploration, experimentation, and learning--in fact, there's a part of our brains, which scientists have coined "the seeking system," that rewards us for taking part in these activities. But the way organizations are run prevents many of us from following our innate impulses. As a result, we shut down. Things need to change. More than ever before, employee creativity and engagement are needed to win. Fortunately, it won't take an extensive overhaul of your organizational culture to get started. With small nudges, you can personally help people reach their fullest potential. Alive at Work reveals:
  • How to encourage people to bring their best selves to work and use their greatest strengths to help your organization flourish
  • How to build creative environments that motivate people to share ideas, work smarter, and embrace change
  • How to enhance people's connection to their work and your customers
  • How to create personalized experiences that help people feel a deeper sense of purpose
Filled with fascinating stories from the author's extensive research, Alive at Work is the inspirational guide that you need to tap into the passion, creativity, and purpose fizzing beneath the surface of every person who falls under your leadership.

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