Embroidered Life 9781452173467 Sara Barnes

€ 12,75
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AuteurSara Barnes
ConditieZo goed als nieuw
Productnummer (ISBN)9781452173467
Jaar (oorspr.)2019


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Titel: Embroidered Life
Auteur: Sara Barnes
ISBN: 9781452173467
Conditie: Als nieuw

Social-media rock stars Sarah K. Benning and Sara Barnes present gorgeous contemporary embroidery in a fresh, innovative package.

This is not your grandma's embroidery book. Featuring a die-cut case with actual stitching on the front cover, Embroidered Life shows that illustrations created with needle and thread can be strikingly contemporary. From beautiful botanicals to bold affirmations, the work of self-taught fiber artist Sarah K. Benning gives any embroidery enthusiast, art lover, or plant fanatic a new appreciation for the craft of needlework. In this eye-catching art book, popular blogger Sara Barnes guides readers through Benning's innovative embroidery process and successful business model, offering behind-the-scenes insights to inspire makers and creative entrepreneurs.

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Zoekertjesnummer: a143341221