Pelgrim - Hans Peter Roel€ 21,95
The Crystal Bible 2 - Judy Hall
€ 22,99
10sinds 25 apr. '23, 11:11
The Crystal Bible 2 – Judy Hall - Volume 2 The follow-up to the bestselling Crystal Bible.
Dutch version click here (
This second volume of the bestselling Crystal bible covers more than 200 additional crystals, including hight-vibraiton stones for spiritual alchemy and the recently recealed Greenland stones. Beautifully illustrated, it is a comprehensive guide to exceptional crystals and their healing applications and environmental and karmic effects. This essential resource includes crystals for energy enhancement and space clearing and the crystals medicine wheel.
Cover photography: Octopus Publishing Group Limited/Andy Komorowski (
ENGELS | 9781841813509 | 400 pages | Godsfield Bible Series
Zoekertjesnummer: a123973116
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