Twee duivel figuurtjes-tassen-glazen - Demons & Merveilles

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200sinds 22 feb. '25, 10:48
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Hot Stuff de kleine duivel is een Amerikaans stripfiguur uit Harvey Comics (bekend van Casper het vriendelijke spookje).
Dit zijn 2 figuurtjes uit de collectie. Jaar 2001-2002.

Zowel de tassen, long drinkglazen als de duiveltjes zijn als nieuw!

Collectorsitem. In deze staat nog zeer moeilijk te vinden.

Demons & Merveilles was founded in 1985 by Isabelle Ponzone and Olivier Diolot-Niedergang. Over the years, they have created countless collectibles under licenses from world-famous brands such as Walt Disney, Warner Bros, Turner Entertainment, Fox, and many more. These collectibles range from statues to keychains and from clocks to lamps.

Demons & Merveilles collectibles are highly popular due to the creativity of the designers and the high quality of the products. Even after 35+ years, the collectibles they have produced remain in excellent condition. Many of these items are nearly impossible to find because they were either produced in limited quantities or have been lost or damaged over the years.
Zoekertjesnummer: m2238073234
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