Perignem - Elisabeth Vandeweghe - Vaas - H. 70 cm -€ 170,00
Shakky (right) - From the series Ngaku hyakuban
€ 150,00
00sinds 1 feb. '25, 03:19
Shakky szu (right)
Tsukioka, Kgyo, 1869-1927
Date ca. 1922-1925
Original woodblock print, right side of the diptych of the Noh-theatre piece Shakky from the second series 'One Hundred N-plays' (Nogaku hyakuban), made by Tsukioka Kogyo. Certainly one of the most beautiful of the series.
This series is generally considered by artists as Kogyo's best. Very refined details and rich colors. And a colored background, clearly visible on the photos.
Published by Matsuki Heikichi
Condition Good some small stains, please view photos
A recent publication on Kogy:
Staging the Supernatural: Ghosts and the Theater in Japanese Prints
and :
The Beauty of Silence: Japanese No & Nature Prints by Tsukioka Kogyo 1869-1927 by Robert Schaap and J. Thomas Rimer
Japanese theater No Bunraku Kabuki Gagaku Bugaku Kagura Japon Noh Kyogen
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